SFA ‘Green’ Event Results Are In…

On Saturday, May 18, Security First Advisors held a free ‘green’ shred, electronics recycle and ‘ask the organizer’ event. If you were one of the clients who came by and dropped off paper or electronics we would like to thank you for your participation. In all, we learned that in your efforts to offload in a ‘green’ way you recycled approximately 980 Lbs. of recyclable paper. And as a result of your efforts the following resources have been conserved:


 8 Trees                                

186 Gallons of Oil                                         

3,430 Gallons of Water                                     

2,352 Kilowatt Hours of Energy                                   

49 Cubic Yards of Landfill Space

In addition, you recycled about 40 cubic feet of electronics. 


Our special thanks to:

EnviroShred NW

Green Century Electronics Recycling  

Organizers Northwest  


…and our conscience clients!