Due to increasingly sophisticated attacks upon websites throughout all industries, SEI has proactively made necessary changes to significantly increase security access to protect your data. During the weekend of October 24-25, AccessMyPortfolio.com, the SEI website, will undergo enhanced website authentication. During this time,the website will be unavailable. During your first login on or after October 25, you will be prompted through a series of quick steps to enroll your user id in the new authentication process. This involves a time sensitive pin that will be sent to you via email during the enrollment. Retrieving this pin via email adds an extra layer of security to help protect your personal and financial information. The enrollment process is quick, easy, and you will only have to complete it once. SEI will communicate the above directly with you early next week. If you have any questions, or concerns, or would like to update your email address, please call us at 503-274-4224. Security First Advisors is a locally owned, independent, fee-based investment advisory firm located in Portland, Oregon offering comprehensive financial planning and money in transition services.