Earth Day Event Results and Reflections

On Tuesday, April 22, Security First Advisors celebrated Earth Day by holding our 2nd annual shred and electronics recycle event. Thank you to all who attended. Together, we created a very positive impact on the environment — and we hope a lasting one on you with our added element of the guest speakers on personal sustainability.

By offloading your piles of unwanted paper or unused electronics, we did the following for the environment:

Material Processed

1,925   Pounds Collected is equal to:                               0.96  Tons Processed

 Which Translates Into

16   Trees Saved

6,720   Gallons of Water Saved

3,936   kw of Energy Saved

58   Pounds of Pollutants Kept Atmosphere

5   Cubic Yards of Landfill


Thank you to everyone who attended. If you were unable, we are making this an annual event and we will see you next year.


Our thanks to our ‘green’ vendors:

(follow links to learn more about these companies)



To our amazing personal sustainability guest speakers:


And to our financial partner: